"Bokassa's Fridge - A, M and M"

Tom Lindinger in "Bokassas Fridge Assassin Monkey and Man"

Ten years ago Toni Lamprecht made the iconic first ascent of 'Bokassa's Fridge - Assassin Monkey and Man' in Kochel after working it for years and therefore proposing the grade fb 8C+ / V16. It took until spring 2019 until the first repeat by Chris Rauch, who then said it's only fb 8C / V15. Meanwhile also Flo Schmalzl made his way to the top, making my ascent the 4th. I started to dream about climbing this line last autumn, when Chris found a nice beta for shorties. But due to the good weather that season I preferably went to other areas and not to Kochel. More or less the same in spring until Chris and Flo repeated the problem. After their ascents I decided to try it again, too. But it was already late in season why it didn't make much sense continue trying. Therefore I postponed projecting it until this autumn. And that was a good decision as I still felt in good shape from 'The Neverending Story' and even better than in spring. It took me five more sessions to make it to the top on November the 11th. But see for yourself...

Toni Lamprecht klettert sein Langzeitprojekt "Bokassas Fridge Assassin Monkey and Man"und bewertet es mit 8c+
