„Burden of Dreams“ by Will Bosi

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The burden has been lifted. The infamous Burden of Dreams boulder in Lappnor, Finland is a bouldering problem that no climber had solved since Nalle Hukkataival's successful ascent back in 2016. Will Bosi describes climbing the world's first 9A boulder as, 'the hardest boulder in the world'.​

Will Bosi's bouldering journey to the Burden of Dreams began in a much different setting to Finland – as he explored what was possible on a 3D-printed replica climbing wall in Sheffield, England. It was there that his confidence and belief began to grow.​

Travelling to the boulder was the next step. Will spent over three weeks at the Burden of Dreams, studying holds and perfecting moves that would allow him to ascend the boulder that has bettered some of the world's best climbers.​

On 12 April 2023, Will Bosi accomplished his dream of climbing the Burden of Dreams – and the rest is now history.​

00:00 Intro​
01:55 Climbing on a replica​
03:25 Arriving at Burden of Dreams​
04:10 Will explains his climbing holds​
07:20 Burden of Dreams​
10:10 Rest day​
17:50 Credits​


A film by 
Diego Borello


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