Chris Webb Parsons - Kurztrip Frankenjura

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Source:Philipp Hrozek.

Chris Webb Parsons aus Australien weilt dezeit in München. Chris hat sich mit den Hrozek-Brüdern für einen Kurztrip ins Frankenjura begeben. Trotz schlechter Bedingungen konnte Chris sehr schnell "Flubber" 8a und am zweiten Tag "Zerberus" 8b wiederholen. Chris Webb Parsons ist kein Unbekannter. Schließlich konnte er im Jahr 2007 die 1. Wiederholung von
"The Wheel of Life" (V16) für sich verbuchen. "The Wheel of Life", mit mehr als 60 Zügen, wurde 2004 von Dai Koyamada erstbegangen. Das Boulderproblem ist in der bekannten Höhle "Hollow Mountain Cave" in den Grampians/Australien zu finden und zählt mit zu den schwersten Boulderproblemen weltweit.

English version

So after a few days of training and a little bit of work in Munich I headed back out to the Frankenjura.
The first day in the Frankenjura it was raining so I could not climb much.
I wanted to try Zerberus V13 and luckily for me Zerberus was semi dry.
After figuring out the moves I had a shot and fell near the end of the problem due to the last holds being wet.
After a few more attempts I called it a day on the problem and went to set up camp.
The next day I went back to Zerberus to find it in similar conditions to the day before.
I chalked up and dried out the holds as much as I could and went for it.
After a few attempts I was holding the last hold of Zerberus in my hands.
I was I happy chappy.
I then went to look at some more boulders I wanted to climb but everything was wet.
I decided to headed back to Munich for a rest day and ill head back out to the Frankenjura again tomorrow for two more days then its off to Switzerland.
I have a nice little video of my time in the Frankenjura and ill get it online soon.


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