Daniel Woods FA/Box-Therapy 8C+
91 miles hiked over 7 days
10,400 ft (3169 m) elevation
multiple 35 F degree (1C) and below days with wind... condis ????
18 moves out a 50 degree roof
micro holds that make your pulleys feel like they are gonna pop after every attempt
snowstorms ❄
feeling close but continue the waiting game ????
convince myself it is over... too much snow and ice
mother nature blesses me with a window ????
psyche is rekindled
anxiety creeps in to get the job done
last day best day
zone state entered
im on cloud 9
More informations: Instagram dawoods89
Video on Instagram
Maybe I dont have to wait till june afterall. decided to go back up and clean the ice and snow off the bloc for one last shot. Was shocked that so much snow had melted in just a two day period. I did the line from a move in to the lip of the overhang (all the hard moves), but the headwall remained damp. monday will give it hell.