Wiederholungen (Chris Webb Parsons)

Source: chriswebbparsons.com
Picture 2: Boogalagga V13 (Tessin)
Chris Webb Parsons war mit Phill und Lili im Frankenjura unterwegs und sie haben doch tatsächlich trockenen Fels vorgefunden. Chris konnte sehr schnell, im 3 Versuch Tonfa 8b wiederholen.
Chris schreibt über den Frankenjura auf seiner Seite:
"I think the Frankenjura is one of the best places I have been climbing and I would like to spend a lot of time there in the future. The bouldering there is fantastic and the routes are great as well, there is something for everyone in the frankenjura."
Hier seine bisherige Tickliste von seinem Europa-Trip:

- "Believe In Two" V15 FA, "Tough Times" V14 FA
- "Tonfa" 8b, "Amber" V13, "Boogalagga" V13, "Vecchio Leone" V13, "High Spirit" V13, "Zerberus" 8b, "La Boule Direkt" V12/13
- "Apollo" V12, "Schule des Lebens" V12, "Freak Brothers" V12, "Steppenwolf" V12, "Nana Bianca" V12, "Aldi Power sit" V12, "Jenseits Von Jena" V12, "Salamanda" V11/V12
- "Serre moi fort" V11, "No Mystery" V11, "Astronautenfieber" V11, "Free for all" V11 flash, "Aldi Power" V11, "Flubber" 8a, "Terminator" 8a