“Black Panther” FA by Stranik

Martinův několikadenní zápas s černým panterem ve Vesci u Liberce, FA 21. 4. 2021. Další info najdete na Martinově blogu. ???????? Martin's several-day fight with Black Panther in Liberec-Vesec (CZ), FA on 21st April 2021. Further info on Martin's blog (English version is under Czech text). ???? http://martinstranik.blogspot.com/202...

"Pegasus" (8C/v15) by Woods

Daniel made a pit stop in Joe's Valley on his way back from Vegas and dispatched "Pegasus" in a few tries (did try the line for a day in Nov. of last year). This power endurance crimp line was put up by Drew Ruana and is a low start to Anthony Chertudi's Pagan Poetry (v12/8A+). The sit probably adds a 4 move 13 into the stand. The crux of this is in the 2nd move. The hold you have to lock off and move off of is complete shit.

Warp Speed” (V14/15) First Ascent

High off the ground

March 2021 Kim was sending one of Bavona's hardest and proudest lines Roadkill 8C, as well as three FA's up to 8A+.

00:53​ Rope Spot 7C FA
05:08​ Shoulder Express 8A+ FA
06:23​ Flake Shake 7B+ FA
10:02​ Roadkill 8C
Camera: Kim Marschner Edit: Kim Marschner

“Warrior” (FA) by Martin Stranik

Martin Stranik doing a cool FA in Czech Republich.

Filmed and edited by Lukas Cerny.

“Dreamtime” by Thilo Schröter

Two weeks ago a hungry animal chewed through some cables in my car and it’s been at the mechanic since. I was forced to stay longer than planned, and things could have been pretty sad alone without a car, but luckily I could join @melissaleneve for some sessions in Dreamtime, and today on the fourth one it went down! Right after, I got the message that my car will be ready tomorrow, so it’s finally time to close this chapter, and get going on the long drive. Happy to go home but psyched to come back!

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Thilo Schröter (@thiloschroeter)

“Bokassa’s Fridge” sit (FA) by Florian Wientjes

Now this perfect fridge from @tonilamprecht71 has a sitstart.

Kochel at its finest:
25moves power endurance compression climbing with no rest and a lot of technically footwork.

So happy now that all the training, the Patience, the failure, the Motivation, simply all the effort I invested into the boulder finally payed off .
FA: 9Sessions, 2 times falling on the last move, a big mental battle a lot of ups and downs but finally it went down. Now the fridge is complete. Starting like Antonator and then all of the 25moves up to the top. 8C/+

Cresciano “New King Lines”

After the big snowstorm in Bavona the crew moved to Cresciano, trying to climb an infamous project and some of the nicest new lines of the area.

Featuring: Giuliano Cameroni, Daisuke Ichimiya, Clément Lechaptois, Marine Thevenet and Diego Cameroni

“Gioia” by Elias Lagnemma

5th ascent of the mythical Gioia in Varazze, first ascended by Christian Core in 2008

"Livin' Large" by Shawn Raboutou

During the summer of 2019, Shawn Raboutou makes the 3rd ascent of "Livin' Large" (V16/8C+). First sent by Nalle Hukatival more than 10 years ago this climb is located in Rocklands, South Africa. At 8 meters/26 feet tall this arete stands out as one of the hardest highballs in the world.