Y.Flohe-L.Kiegsen-Magic Wood

The North Face presents: “ALPHANE”

The North Face team returns to Switzerland with the goal to establish cutting edge first ascents. Shawn’s ascent of Alphane is the first proposed 9a in Switzerland and only the fourth worldwide. The film features Matty Hong, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods, Felipe Carmago, Giuliano Cameroni, and Shawn Raboutou. Film by Ben Neilson. Supported by The North Face.

0:00 Intro
1:23 Alphane V17 (Part 1)
5:24 Trip to the moon V14
11:25 Mystic River V15
14:10 Squalo Bianco V14
17:58 River Arête Project
23:07 Fight Club V14
31:24 Dreamtime V15
35:15 Alphane V17 (Part 2)
45:00 Credits

Stories from Magic Wood

Linus Raatz and Stephan Vogt have spent some weeks in Magic Wood, Switzerland this year and climbed some proud lines, including Stil Vor Talent (8C) and Unendliche Geschichte (9a). Enjoy!

climbs in order of appearance: 00:29 Astronautenfieber 8A 02:25 Electroboogie 8A+ 04:47 Riders On The Storm 8B 07:03 Sofasurfer 8A+ 08:48 Nothing Changes 8A 09:48 The Never Ending Story 8B+ 14:45 Unendliche Geschichte (1+2+3) 9a 18:03 Stil vor Talent 8C

La Force Tranquille direct FA

Raw ascent footage of Jakob Schubert doing the first ascent of La Force Tranquille direct [8C]in Magic Wood, Switzerland. This boulder was a long-standing project and chooses the direct exit to Daniel Wood's crimpy original line, adding some spice not only for the height and sketchy landing.

Footage by @Michael Piccolruaz

More about Jakob Schubert https://jakob-schubert.com/
Jakob Schubert’s Ticklist https://www.thecrag.com/ascents/by/ja...

“Practice of the Wild” by C.Rauch

Christof Rauch, a good friend of mine, had an battle against the iconic PRACTICE OF THE WILD 8B+ / V14 in Magic Wood. First he tried the boulder with a static beta instead of the mostly used jump solution, as he couldn't stick the jump in the past. But he had no success with that beta either why he retried the dynamic way. This time with success. Nevertheless it was a hard to link all the moves together. Especially because it became a battle against the DABs.

“New Base Line” by Marine Thevenet

Marine climbing the classic Bernd Zangerl testpiece in Magic Wood, Switzerland

“New Base Line” by Marine Thevenet

⭐️ New Base Line [8B+/V14] ✔️
An all time classic from ????#magicwood ????
A dreaming line for me since I spotted @clem_lechap on it few years ago.

????Heel hook - ???? Crack - ????‍♀️Ninja - ✊Crimps - and... ????????

Thank you @clem_lechap for your support and advices ❤️ and for the picture.

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Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

⭐️ New Base Line [8B+/V14] ✔️ An all time classic from ????#magicwood ???? A dreaming line for me since I spotted @clem_lechap on it few years ago. • ????Heel hook - ???? Crack - ????‍♀️Ninja - ✊Crimps - and... ???????? • Thank you @clem_lechap for your support and advices ❤️ and for the picture. • @unparallelup @moonclimbing @snowleader74

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Marine Thevenet (@bould_herman) am

Jakob Schubert in Magic Wood - flash “The Never Ending Story”

The Borders to Switzerland finally opened so Jakob took the oppurtunity right away to have two great climbing days in Magic Wood.
Boulder Problems: Day 1: 0:00 One summer in paradise 8A+
1:12 New Base Line 8B+
2:22 Voigas 8A flash
2:53 Octopussy 8A flash
3:59 Jack’s broken heart 8A flash Day 2:
5:19 Rythmo 7C+ flash
6:33 Riders on the storm 8A+
7:46 Practice of the wild 8B+
9:15 Neverending Story 8B+ flash
Jakob Schubert’s Ticklist https://www.thecrag.com/ascents/by/ja...
More about Jakob Schubert https://jakob-schubert.com/
Edit: Bernhard Stern Music by KUT

“Better than chocolate” by Haroun S

"In terms of footage, this is one of the very best climbing video I've ever had the pleasure of watching" Bjorn Pohl, UKclimbing.com

"for fans of bouldering videos this is most certainly worth adding to your collection" ClimbingNarc

"BTC holds the comparison with big climbing productions" Kletterszene.com

"In short, for a first production, Haroun strikes a blow" Pierre Délas, Kairn.com

As Better Than Chocolate is now celebrating its 8th year anniversary, I have decided to upload it to youtube and make it available for free.

It was my first serious project, was distributed worldwide (Digital Download and DVD) and launched my filmmaking career. At the time I had to build all the filmmaking equipment by hand (slider, gimbal, crane). I went on to shoot documentaries and commercials in almost 25 countries, from the Amazon to the Cederberg Mountains. Enjoy!


Better Than Chocolate is a movie about bouldering in Switzerland that features world class ascents up to 8C boulder from Michele Caminati, Paul Robinson, Robert Leistner, Julia Winter, Chris Webb Parsons, Anthony Gullsten, Olivier Mignon, Jule Wurm, Anton Johansson, Antoine Eydoux and Fred Moix. Guest appearance by Fred Nicole. 60'.

// Shot on location in

Magic Wood




San Gottardo


FA‘s in Magic Wood by G.Cameroni

Giuliano establishing a few new boulders in Magic Wood, Switzerland
Lowrider 8B FA
Glory hole 8B FA
Fear of the dark 8B+ FA