Summer SENDS

Shawn, Daniel and Giul went on a summer trip though Ceuse and the Swiss Alps.

Flower Power 8A+ First Ascent Sophiesticated 7C+ First Ascent Fuck The System 8C+ First Ascent Dulcifer 8A+ Le Rêve de Faire 8A+ Big Snapper 8B+ First Ascent Hazel Grace 8B+ Stairway to Heaven 8B Child Of Hell 8C First Ascent

“Radja” by Daniel Woods

(Radja – Branson (Fully), Schweiz – 1. März 1996 – FRED NICOLE, erste Begehung eines Boulders mit Grad 8B+ (V14) überhaupt.)

(Radja - Branson (Fully), Switzerland - March 1, 1996 - FRED NICOLE, first ascent of a boulder with grade 8B+ (V14) ever.)

The North Face presents: “ALPHANE”

The North Face team returns to Switzerland with the goal to establish cutting edge first ascents. Shawn’s ascent of Alphane is the first proposed 9a in Switzerland and only the fourth worldwide. The film features Matty Hong, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods, Felipe Carmago, Giuliano Cameroni, and Shawn Raboutou. Film by Ben Neilson. Supported by The North Face.

0:00 Intro
1:23 Alphane V17 (Part 1)
5:24 Trip to the moon V14
11:25 Mystic River V15
14:10 Squalo Bianco V14
17:58 River Arête Project
23:07 Fight Club V14
31:24 Dreamtime V15
35:15 Alphane V17 (Part 2)
45:00 Credits

Hazel Grace (sit) by Cameroni

High off the ground

March 2021 Kim was sending one of Bavona's hardest and proudest lines Roadkill 8C, as well as three FA's up to 8A+.

00:53​ Rope Spot 7C FA
05:08​ Shoulder Express 8A+ FA
06:23​ Flake Shake 7B+ FA
10:02​ Roadkill 8C
Camera: Kim Marschner Edit: Kim Marschner

“Dreamtime” by Thilo Schröter

Two weeks ago a hungry animal chewed through some cables in my car and it’s been at the mechanic since. I was forced to stay longer than planned, and things could have been pretty sad alone without a car, but luckily I could join @melissaleneve for some sessions in Dreamtime, and today on the fourth one it went down! Right after, I got the message that my car will be ready tomorrow, so it’s finally time to close this chapter, and get going on the long drive. Happy to go home but psyched to come back!

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Thilo Schröter (@thiloschroeter)


Diverse Bilder vom Fotografen Markus Ixmeier (IXI)

“Gepresster Hase” by C.Lechaptois

Sustenpass // Gepresster Hase (8B+) x Le rêve de faire (8A+) FFA

A Mellow Switzerland (1/4)

Back in winter Daniel Woods, Jimmy Webb, Giuliano Cameroni, Keenan Takahashi and Roman Yalowitz spent the whole season in Ticino, trying to develop Val Bavona; one of the coolest climbing spots worldwide. Kevin Takashi Smith was there capturing the best moments so here we go with part 1/4!
Grandissimo 7C+ FA
No Picnics 7C+ FA
Il Pagliaccio 8A FA
La Peregrina 8A+ (FA by Jonas Winter)
Squalo Bianco 8B+ FA
Space Cadet 8B FA

“Scarred for Life” by Thevenet