“Ephyra” by G.Cameroni

Giuliano Cameroni on the 3rd ascent of the beautiful Ephyra, in Chironico, Switzerland, after the FA of Jimmy Webb and 2nd ascent of Niky Ceria

High off the ground

March 2021 Kim was sending one of Bavona's hardest and proudest lines Roadkill 8C, as well as three FA's up to 8A+.

00:53​ Rope Spot 7C FA
05:08​ Shoulder Express 8A+ FA
06:23​ Flake Shake 7B+ FA
10:02​ Roadkill 8C
Camera: Kim Marschner Edit: Kim Marschner

“Dreamtime” by Thilo Schröter

Two weeks ago a hungry animal chewed through some cables in my car and it’s been at the mechanic since. I was forced to stay longer than planned, and things could have been pretty sad alone without a car, but luckily I could join @melissaleneve for some sessions in Dreamtime, and today on the fourth one it went down! Right after, I got the message that my car will be ready tomorrow, so it’s finally time to close this chapter, and get going on the long drive. Happy to go home but psyched to come back!

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Thilo Schröter (@thiloschroeter)

Cresciano “New King Lines”

After the big snowstorm in Bavona the crew moved to Cresciano, trying to climb an infamous project and some of the nicest new lines of the area.

Featuring: Giuliano Cameroni, Daisuke Ichimiya, Clément Lechaptois, Marine Thevenet and Diego Cameroni

A Mellow Bavona

Giuliano Cameroni, Charles Albert and Daisuke Ichimiya discovering new boulders in Val Bavona, Switzerland

A Mellow Ticino: (2/4)

Jimmy Webb and Daniel Woods rage on some of Bavona's hardest boulder problems.

Climbs include "4-Low" (8C/v15), "Primitivo" (8C/v15), "Roadkill" (8C/v15),
"Off the Wagon Low (8C+/v16), and "Poison the Well" (8C+/v16).
Film and edit by Kevin Takashi Smith

“Mithril”(sit) FA by Giuliano Cameroni

Giuliano on the FA of Mithril sit, a classic testpiece in Cresciano first climbed as a squat start by Dave Graham

G.and D.Cameroni projects

Giuliano and Diego Cameroni establishing some new boulders in Brione during this past winter season.
List of boulders Slow
Down 8A+/V12 FA
Take it easy 8B/V13 FA
Blinded by the light 8B/V13
Inside Out 8B/V13 FA
Liquid Nails 8B+/V14 FA
Zero Kelvin 8B+/V14 FA
Camera by Kevin Takashi Smith as well

“Roadkill” FA by S.Raboutou

Shawn Raboutou takes down the Roadkill project in Valle Bavona, Switzerland.
Hoodies out now mellowclimbing.shop
Filmed by: Giuliano Cameroni Shawn Raboutou
Edited by: Shawn Raboutou

"The Story of 2 Worlds"

“The Story of two Worlds” by Christof Rauch

Source: Thomas Lindinger

Back in 2018 my friend Christof Rauch climbed Dave Graham's classic 'The Story of Two Worlds' ( 8C/V15 ) in Cresciano. He got filmed by Pawel Jelonek. A little bit later he also made a repeat of Dai Koyamada's low start. Both ascents meant a lot to him and in his own words: "A dream became reality! When I climbed "The Dagger" for the first time I don't thought that I could climb this problem ever! But a few weeks ago I found some new microbetas and it felt so much easier. At first I made a teamascent of the normal start together with Pawel. Afterwards I checked out the lower moves with no big expectations. Sometimes it seems like this is the key to success and after a hell of a fight I stood on top of this amazing boulder and nabbed the second ascent. Thanks to the awesome crew!"

“The Story of two Worlds” by Sebastian Cotting

Dai Koyamada "The Story of Two Worlds" low start V16

Samuel Ometz "The Story of 2 Worlds"

Giuliano Cameroni - The Story of 2 Worlds 8c

Giuliano Cameroni - The Story of 2 Worlds 8c from Giuliano Cameroni on Vimeo.