Katie Lamb Sends “Box Therapy”
Katie Lamb, 25, has skipped the V15 grade and made the fourth ascent of Daniel Woods’s Box Therapy in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. In doing so she’s become the first woman to climb V16.
“The pieces fit together on Box and quickly it was about silencing my doubts and flipping the switch,” she wrote on Instagram. “It’s a headspace fed as much by days outside shooting the shit as by days alone in the mountains. I spent some time in July walking up to this meadow trying to fill my cup, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.”
Lamb, who grew up in the Boston suburbs and has been climbing for most of her life, has previously sent a number of V14s, including classics like New Baseline, The Penrose Step, and Jade. Earlier this year, she made the long-awaited first female ascent of Dave Graham’s Bishop testpiece Spectre, which goes at either V13 or V14+ depending on your size.
Source: Climbing.com
Isabelle Faus „Spidey“ V14+++ Nomad Cave
I climbed this boulder back in March. I think this is the hardest thing i've done so far! I love climbing in this cave, despite it being a drop off, it has some of the most amazing moves and sequences. Spidey gets harder with every move, the first half is v9, then a few moves of v11 climbing, and ending with a hard v13. It looks long but def more of a power boulder than and endurance climb. Super proud to have climbed a low angle crimpy V14 with Grinch back in February, and then a steep slopey one a month later. Grateful to my body, for the time I get to be outside, and for good times with friends!
“Summer sends” Raboutou, Grossman
Brooke Raboutou and Natalia Grossman amass an all star tick list during their 2020 summer in Rocky Mountain National Park. Together they put down over fifty double digits including eight V13s. This video showcases 11 of their proudest sends V12-V14. Is this the most stacked female bouldering video ever? Ascents:
The Automator V13 European Human Being V12 Freaks of The Industry V13 Wheel of Chaos V13 Riddles in the Park V12 Nuthin but Sunshine V13 Phallus V12 The Shining V12/13 Two Ton Skeleton V13 Wildcat V12 Jade V14
“Multiverse” by D. Woods
Daniel Woods makes the 4th ascent of Jimmy Webb's classic boulder problem located in Wyoming.
World's best shit right here.
“Megatron” V17 by Shawn Raboutou
A long-standing project in Colorado finally gets done, becoming one of the hardest boulder problems in the world.
Featuring: Shawn Raboutou, Daniel Woods, Drew Ruana, Chad Greedy, & Jimmy Webb
Presented by: The North Face
Film by Matty Hong
Isabelle Faus - Behind the Seams (V14 FA)
Take a step into Isabelle Faus's routine to be one of the best female boulderers in the world. Watch her establish Sinawav (V14/8B+) and learn about her process of developing boulders.
Presented by Scarpa: https://us.scarpa.com/rock-climbing
Shop Isabelle's clothing line: https://whateverriisabelle.com
A film by Matty Hong
B.Raboutou-"Trieste" V14
Adidas Terrex presents Brooke Raboutou on her mission to climb one of her longest-standing projects. After only 3 days on her second trip, she sent "Trieste" V14 in Red Rocks, Nevada. Is this just the beginning of what Brooke is capable of?
Video: Shawn Raboutou Additional Video: Finn Stack
Sleepwalker (V16) and others
Featuring attempts on Sleepwalker plus the send, Squoze (V14), Trieste Sit (V14), and The Nest (V15). Some of my favorite ascents from the past year!
“Return of the Sleepwalker” (FA) Video
Daniel Woods goes straight into battle mode with one of his hardest projects to date. Jimmy Webb established "Sleepwalker" (the stand start) back in January of 2019. The possibility of a sit-start arose in 2021. This sit-start would add in a 7 move 8B/v13 into "Sleepwalker" (8C+/v16). Grades can be fickle, but ROTSW stands as one of the hardest boulder problems in the world. Bobby Sorich did an awesome job capturing Daniel's process, emotion, and overall journey to climb ROTSW.
Hope you enjoy the film and are inspired to go out and mind fuck yourself a bit. Climbing is an awesome outlet to see how far you can go within, learn about yourself, and pull some freak shit out of you. All to accomplish a feat of strength that will give you 30 seconds of bliss, but a huge confidence boost within that's carried throughout your life. It's all a game out there... have fun playing the game. DW