“Mithril”(sit) FA by Giuliano Cameroni

“Mithril”(sit) FA by Giuliano Cameroni

Giuliano on the FA of Mithril sit, a classic testpiece in Cresciano first climbed as a squat start by Dave Graham.

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“Brutal Rider” FA by Adam Ondra

Czechia’s Hardest Boulderproblem. Over the last 10 years, I have been neglecting hard outdoor bouldering, mostly either focusing on competitions or when focusing on rock climbing, sport climbing (with rope) always had priority. Bouldering was more of a tool for training.

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Interview ProntoPro

“Klettern aus Leidenschaft”
Bouldern und Klettern sind beliebte Sportarten, welche von zahlreichen Menschen mit viel Hingabe ausgeführt werden.Wie Bouldern zur Lebensaufgabe wird, haben wir von Maik Urbczat erfahren.

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Oriane Bertone “Satan i Helvete” low start FA

“Satan i Helvete” low start FA by Oriane Bertone

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Voici les images d’Oriane Bertone dans Satan I Helvete du bas, à Fontainebleau. Une version qui

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Chalk Talk mit Markus Bock – Meister aus der Fränkischen

Chalk Talk mit Markus Bock - Meister aus der Fränkischen

Wohl kein anderer hat der Fränkischen Schweiz dermaßen seinen Stempel aufgedrückt wie Markus Bock. Ob beim Bouldern oder mit Seil: Die Erstbegehungen am oberen Ende der Skala, die nicht von ihm sind, muß man suchen wie die Nadel im Heuhaufen.

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Why it's important to keep rocks clean from chalk!

Why it's important to keep rocks clean from chalk!

For me it's a very important topic to keep the rocks clean from chalk! Using a climbing brush when you have finished isn't hard at all. It should be as self evident as it's using a climbing chalk bag.

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Kaddi Lehmann in “Kryptos”

“Kryptos” - second woman to send V15

For BD Ambassador Kaddi Lehmann, climbing a V15 boulder problem all started with fixing the gears on her old mountain bike. But those accumulated miles she pedaled uphill to Kryptos—an aesthetic limestone seam in the Swiss Jura—pale in comparison to the internal journey she endured to reach the top of that

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Tapen der Finger von Volker Schöffl

“Tapen der Finger” von Volker Schöffl

Klar, jeder Kletterer taped seine Finger gelegentlich. Wieso eigentlich extra einen Artikel darüber, ist doch Kinderleicht? Überraschenderweise eben nicht. Oft sehen wir wirklich abenteuerliche Tapes, die mehr schaden als nützen, und das soll es nicht sein.

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How to repair your climbing shoes on your own

How to repair your climbing shoes on your own!

I show you how to repair your climbing shoes on your own. This technique is so easy that everyone can use it. All you need for that is a strong shoe glue, I recommend 'Kövulfix', something to spread the glue over the surfaces (e.g. a woodstick) and a

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Charles Albert in “No kpote only” bouldering Fontainebleau

“No kpote only” by Charles Albert

In January 2019, Charles Albert barefoot climbed his longstanding project, proposing the mythical 9A/V17 grade. A year later, Ryohei Kameyama repeated the line and suggested 8C+/9A. Time will tell how hard this boulder actually is, but for now it

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Rockstore Frankenjura

Liebe Freunde und Kletterer

Liebe Freunde, Kletterer und Frankenjuraliebhaber,
wir befinden uns in schweren Zeiten und vielleicht ist das erst ein Vorgeschmack auf das, was noch kommen wird. Das ist diesmal keines von den „Projekten, die man in der nächsten Session abhaken wird“.

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Toni Lamprecht in “Angeschossenes Wolf bouldering in Kochel

“Angeschossenes Wolf” by T.Lamprecht

"angeschossenes wolf" is a combination of "real absurdistan" (Fb 8C) and the "La Paloma"-exit (Fb 8A) at atlantiswand in the climbing area kochel in south germany, climbed beginning of march. Music: the song "automation" is thankfully recorded for the vid by "g.rag/zelig implosion deluxxe". Watch out for the record

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Third ascent of Bügeleisen sit on 07/03/2020 by Stefan Scarperi

“BÜGELEISEN” sit by Stefan Scarperi

Third ascent of Bügeleisen sit on 07/03/2020 by Stefan Scarperi First ascent by Nalle Hukkataival Second ascent by Jakob Schubert Here the video of some tries and the send.

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“REM” Paul Robinson 2nd Ascend bouldering in Tessin.

“REM” 2nd Ascent by Paul Robinson

REM, V14/8B+ Cresciano, Switzerland (Originally graded V16/8C+)

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Jimmy Webb “Off the Wagon” Ticino

“Off the Wagon” sit by Jimmy Webb

Jimmy’s 2020 trip to Ticino starts off with the second ascent of one of Switzerland’s hardest boulders.

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Road to Tokyo by K.Takahashi

“Road to Tokyo” by Keenan Takahashi

Keenan's first trip to Japan wasn't supposed to be a climbing trip...

Climbs in order: Butterfly Effect (V13/8B), Asagimadara (V15/8C), Fūjin (V14/8B+)

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Martin Stranik in “PRIMITIVO”

“PRIMITIVO” by Martin Stranik

Martin Stranik repeats "Primitivo" 8C.
Mellow writes about it: Primitivo is one of the best new problems in the world situated in Val Bavona, in Ticino,

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Adam Is Trying One Finger Pull-Up

Adam Ondra #49: Adam Is Trying One Finger Pull-Up

The next episode is about fierce power. Petr Dumpík, a little known climber from a small village outside of Brno, can make one arm pull up only on his pinkie and not only that - he can drink a glass of beer while doing that.

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Jimmy Webb in "Lucid Dreaming"

"Lucid Dreaming" by Jimmy Webb

Jimmy goes to work on his anti-style in Bishop, CA. Film and edit: Kevin Takashi Smith

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“Sleepwalker” by Drew Ruana

Drew making an ascent of one of America's new testpieces in Red Rocks, NV.

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